How it all started...
Hillcrest Began in 1959 up the dirt road from where we exist today. In a small house amongst dedicated believers a young preteen girl would sit behind the keys of an upright piano and play the one and only song she knew each week in worship. The people having the opportunity to put their roots anywhere in the York/Sharon area decided that the stretch of land on HWY 49 between the two towns was where God would move. This is where the ground was broken, the Spirit had moved, and God would bless. This church has experienced many transitions of pastors, leaders, and congregants over these many years, but the hand of the Lord was faithful through it all while calling many people to the ministry and seeing hundreds of people surrender their lives into to the faithful hands of our savior Jesus Christ.

Expanding the vision...
Over the past decade the Lord has impressed upon us the passion to see people far from God come to grace in Jesus. Across the street, across the states, and across the seas. This we would do through the vision of seeing people Know, Live, and Share the gospel. The only way we knew to do this was through effective, intentional, and challenging discipleship. It was the decision of Hillcrest that it would rise and fall by the work of discipleship from group to group and person to person. This would lead to disciples making disciples and loving others greater than even itself. A decision was made to see the community through the eyes of compassion and set out to be a place of hope that they could turn. We embarked on a journey to see a church that mattered to its community, and then beyond. Since then, we have had the opportunity to turn our attention to reaching the states and the seas as well.
Where we are headed...
Hillcrest is a growing church not from transplant or recycling but from lost to saved. While we celebrate the calling of God on the lives of believers to join our fellowship, we are even more desperate to see the calling of God on the life of an unbeliever to repentance. We have come to see that the work of the church in capacity is often limited to its location, so we have decided to plant churches and to send out our brightest and best for the purpose of multiplying the Kingdom. We are actively in talks to plant a second campus as well as partner with established churches who are looking to revitalize and reach their community more effectively. We are sending more and more people on the mission field in the local community and around the world through a network partnership called the Alliance for Kingdom Purpose (AKP). We recognize ourselves with the Great Commission Baptist (also called Southern Baptist Convention) and celebrate the association we have with a convention that sends out hundreds of fully funded missionaries all over the world for the gospel. WE are a church passionately pursuing the advancement of the gospel by sacrificing to stay true to our core values: Worship, Disciple, Go, Send, and reach a Next Generation that will keep it going. In short, Hillcrest is dedicated to KNOWING, LIVING, AND SHARING THE GOSPEL.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9:30 AM & 11:00 AM.